Sunday, June 29, 2014

Santa Monica Local Amendments to CalGreen Standards  

The City of Santa Monica has adopted local amendments to the California Green Building Standards Code.  These amendments are summarized below and are effective as of March 28, 2012.  All building permit applications are subject to these local amendments.
Santa Monica Municipal Code
1) 15% Energy efficiency  (SMMC 8.106.055, 8.106.180)
All new buildings shall be designed to use 15% less energy than required by the California Energy Code.

2) Solar pool heating  (SMMC 8.106.055, 8.106.180) 
This is a modification to the existing solar pool heating requirement.  The modification clarifies that spas, hot tubs, and Jacuzzis are not subject to the requirement.  It also adds an exemption for situations where solar pool heating would be technically infeasible.  New pools continue to be required to have solar heating be the primary heat source.

3) Pipe insulation when replacing a water heater (SMMC 8.106.055, 8.106.180) 
Whenever a water heater is replaced, exposed and accessible hot water pipes connected to that water heater must be insulated per California Energy Commission requirements

4) Plumbing fixture water use reduction (SMMC 8.106.057, 8.106.190) 
CalGreen requires that new buildings install plumbing fixtures that use 20% less water.  This amendment requires that any new plumbing fixture installed in any new or existing building must achieve the same water use reduction, unless the permit applicant can demonstrate that installing such a fixture would be technically infeasible.

5) 70% Construction and Demolition Waste Diversion  (SMMC 8.108.150) 
Previously, projects were required to divert 65% of C&D Waste from the landfill.  Now projects are required to divert 70% of C&D Waste from the landfill.  More information is available from the Resource Recovery and Recycling Division website.

6) Solar Ready  (SMMC 8.106.055, 8.106.180) 
All new construction is required to be “solar-ready”, by providing adequate roof space for future solar panel installation.  Adequate roof space is unshaded, oriented and sized appropriately, and compliant with Fire Department required setbacks.  Single family homes must provide 250 ft² of roof space; all other buildings must provide 30% of the area of the roof.  Buildings that install a grid-connected solar photovoltaic system are exempt from this requirement.  See the full requirement below.

Solar Ready Requirements for New Construction:
All new buildings shall provide solar-ready roof area to facilitate the installation of future solar energy equipment.

a) Such solar-ready roof area shall be:
i) EITHER flat, OR south-facing with a thirty-three percent (33%) roof slope (four units vertical in twelve units horizontal) or less ;
ii) Unshaded;
iii) Free from obstructions;
iv) In contiguous areas of no less than 100 square feet; and
v) Not otherwise required to be left open and unobstructed in order to ensure adequate fire or life-safety protection, including but not limited to required clearances for firefighting access.
b) Minimum solar-ready roof space required:

i) Single Family Dwellings: 250 square feet
ii) All other buildings: thirty percent (30%) of the total roof area
c) Exceptions: The requirements of this Section shall be waived if:

i) The building is designed and constructed with a solar energy system that is tied to the electrical grid and is capable of generating electricity;
ii) The roof of the building is designed and approved to be used for vehicular traffic or parking; or
iii) Compliance is technically infeasible due to lack of sufficient unshaded area based on surrounding conditions, lack of sufficient roof space or other similar conditions.

2008 - 2011 Code Requirements

For building permit applications between May 22, 2008 and March 27, 2012, please consult this page:



Last updated: Monday, 10/15/2012

Real-Time Solar in Santa Monica

Solar systems that have an online-monitoring feature offer the ability to view real-time data on how much energy is being produced at different times of day.
Santa Monica's new Big Blue Bus facility is a prime example.
View Data
City of Santa Monica © 2014

Santa Monica Office of Sustainability and the Environment 
1685 Main St., Santa Monica, CA 90401 · (310) 458-2213 · TTY (310) 917-6626

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